Master these 5 soft skills for a more prosperous life

3 min readJan 23, 2022

Some people make decisions emotionally while others, logically. Neither way is better than the other. The difference is the person that makes decisions emotionally may prioritize different things than a person that makes logical decisions. Master what comes naturally to you first.

  1. Decision making: the better you are at making effective decisions, the faster you can make useful decisions and this will bring you a wide range of benefits; you’ll be able to avoid overthinking more easily and you’ll be able to escape thinking loop more easily. You’ll also be able to grab great opportunities when you find them and this will launch you into the next level and help you skip many obstacles.
  2. Risk management: risk management is not about being able to recognize risk and avoiding them nor facing risks front first. Risk management is about not allowing risk or the idea or possibility of it to negatively affect your decision making. When you master risk management, you’ll realize that most fears are misguided and inocuos. This will allow you enjoy the pleasures of life more freely and intensely and your well-being will drastically improve.
  3. Ability to follow instructions: counterintuitively, the best leaders are the ones that are most capable of following instructions. The ability of following instructions is directly linked to open mindedness, ability to integrate new information, flexibility to adapt to new situation and make the necessary changes for the better. Being able to follow instructions doesn’t mean you have to take instructions from people. It means you’re able to recognize and apply the instructions you need to make what you want come true. This will make it more possible for you to achieve anything you want even as you remain truest to yourself.
  4. Know how to ask the right questions: contrary to what it may seem, this is probably the most important thing in life. The ability to ask better questions is directly linked to the need to evolve our consciousness. Aiming to ask better questions will save you so much trouble, give you a head start and allow you make leaps in life by helping you to pay attention to and prioritize the most important things.
  5. Understand things appropriately and in a useful way: this is one dimension I’ve been actively practicing for many years now. If you pay close attention to the things that you learn, you’ll realize you can put in to more and better use. Understanding more appropriately will allow you make the necessary modifications to be able to apply the information you already have in a more useful way. Sometimes it’s not about learning something new but understand better what you already know. In school, one of the reasons I didn’t always aim for highest possible score is because I didn’t have the space for it. If I learn a certain definition or theory, I make make interpretations of it. The more Information I take in, the less I’ll be able to process the information I have. So, I’d stop learning something new in order to be able to understand what I’ve already learned properly and more deeply. The more I understand what I’ve already learned, the easier it is for me to learn more, understand appropriately, and integrate something new. Its a nice feedback loop. A win-win for me. Some people struggle with holding on to what they’ve learnt so strongly it’s difficult for them to let go of it if there’s something new and more useful. The society of today has many values that has been inherited from the past, that clearly doesn’t apply nor is useful today. This is the same as a person not being able to free themselves from their bias and they stick with a wrong idea that clearly doesn’t work for them anymore, even if the did at a certain point in the past. Understanding more appropriately will allow you make the necessary modifications to be able to apply the information you already have in a useful way.

